Monday, January 19, 2009

Safest way to Compress/Extract, COPY and DELETE Files on Windows OS

If you have important data or big amount of data to work on, the best way is using the command line. Because of the command line takes lot less of computer's source, and this reduces the possibility of computer to crash and lose data.

I would suggest you to use UltimateZip Command Line 1.0 to extract or compress data. There is a manual in the package with some examples. But I would like to add some examples as well.

Here is two simple examples to show how to use the UltimateZip command line,I'd like to remind you there are more examples in the manual.

To extract a file :

Open the cmd console from the start menu (Type cmd in run(XP)/search(Vista) )and

C:\Users\Mertslog\UltimateZip>uzext -p"C:\Users\Mertslog\SomeFolder\NewFolder" "C:\Users\Mertslog\SomeFolder\"

Extracts the file into NewFolder

To compress a file :

C:\Users\Mertslog\UltimateZip>uzcomp "C:\Users\MerT\Downloads\" "C:\Users\MerT\Downloads\New\*.*"

Zips everything in the folder called new and the output file is

To remove a file:

If you remove the file in a safe way, i would suggest to use Glary Utilities , it is a freeware software which adds wipe functinality to the righ click menu at windows. It has lots of funtions, if you want to check it out here is the link.

If you want to remove a file by using the command line, here is some examples.

del test.tmp = Deletes the test.tmp in the directory that you
currently are in, if the file exists.

del c:\windows\test.tmp = Delete the c:\windows\test.tmp in the windows directory
if it exists.

del c:\windows\temp\*.* = (* is for wild character(s)) *.* indicates that you would
like to delete all files in the c:\windows\temp directory.

del c:\windows\temp\?est.tmp = (? is a single wild character for one letter) This
command would delete any file ending with est.tmp such as pest.tmp or

To copy file:

If you are in the directory that you want to copy files:

copy *.* c:\direct\name2\

Copies everything in the current folder to the folder calles name2

If you are not in the directory you want to copy:
copy c:\direct\name\*.*

I provided really basic level exemples, however you may find more complicated commands on the internet, but the examples that i provided will allow you to do the simple work on your important data.

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